The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first film in Columbia Pictures' three-picture adaptation of Stieg Larsson's literary blockbuster The Millennium Trilogy. Directed by David Fincher and starring Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara, the film is based on the first novel in the trilogy, which altogether have sold 50 million copies in 46 countries and become a worldwide phenomenon. The screenplay is by Steven Zaillian.
-Columbia Pictures
Who'd have thought that the girl who broke Mark Zuckerberg's heart in the Social Network could play such a fierce character? Though the trailer seems to follow both the novel and the previous movie, I have faith in David Fincher's ability to put his artistic mark on it and create a movie that will not only draw fans of the book but countless others as well.
I also love the cover of Immigrant Song by Trent Razor. It just make the trailer seem that much more badass. The fast cuts that catapult the viewer through the trailer only add to my wanting to see it. It shows enough of the movie that I am interested but not enough that it reveals everything about the plot (one of my biggest pet peeves).
I can't wait for this movie to hit theatres.
Prediction: Awesome
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