Friday, June 3, 2011

The Vow

What happens when you put together two romantic movie superstars? Apparently this movie. Rachel McAdams is perhaps this generation's go to leading woman for the genre and let's admit, she does a great job at it. And now Channing Tatum in all of his muscly glory has joined it as well. But personally, I don't really like his acting. I just don't think he can give a strong performance with the emotional depth that is needed for a story like this. Remember Dear John? Yeah, let's not go back to that one again.

Overall (and you will discover this eventually) I am not a fan of romantic movies. It's not because I'm not romantic and don't like all that feel good mushy stuff, but rather because they all seem to follow the same path and have the same outcome. There are a few that stand out for being different (500 days of summer, the notebook) but do I think that this will be one of them? Nope. Hopefully director Michael Sucsy (Grey Gardens) will be able to make this into a good movie.

Prediction: Typical romance movie

Side Note: Sam Neil is in it too? AKA the guy from Jurassic Park. What?

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